Chapter 2514 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep7
- "Hurry up you two.' Pam interrupted her daughter, "Our plane is boarding." Ron was thankful he had a carry on bag to hide his boner as they made their way onto the plane for the Grand Bahama Island.
- They had four seats across the medium sized plane, two on each side of the aisle. Neither of them having ever flown before, Ron and Amy quickly got into an mild argument over which of them got to sit next to the window. Pam intervened, giving up her window seat to Ron, and agreeing to take the aisle seat next to her daughter. Ron's cock had managed to soften some during the time they boarded the plane, although it was still semi-swollen. As other passengers were also moving about the crowded plane, Ron stood in the aisle while Pam edged past Beth to stand in the aisle with Ron. Pam's efforts to get past her friend required her to lean over from the waist, causing her dress to fall from her body, giving Ron a prolonged view down the neckline of her dress. Her braless tits were visible almost to her nipples, which to his disappointment were still hidden firmly against her new dress.
- Just as she cleared Beth, and was preparing to move to her seat, a rather heavy lady, toting a big bag came barreling down the aisle. She forced both Ron and Pam to move back closer to Beth, still seated in the aisle seat. As the lady's girth pressed into Pam, she had no choice but to scoot back even further, eventually pressing her firm ass against Ron.